License Your Course Quickly: Two Proven Methods for Immediate Success

So, you want to license your content faster? I totally hear you. Whether you need to sell quickly for financial reasons, want to test your product in a licensing capacity, or are just eager to see some quick returns, this guide is for you. Let’s dive into two key strategies to help you license your content faster without changing your product—just changing the buyer and modifying the product a bit.

First, changing your buyer can make a significant difference. Bigger buyers like governments or large corporations tend to have longer sales cycles. That's because they have more decision-makers and different layers of approval you need to go through. However, they also offer bigger deals. But if speed is your primary concern, you might want to start smaller. Licensing your content to your current clients, your competition, or other small businesses will close deals faster. Typically, these deals are not as high-value, but if you need quick wins, they’re the way to go. Think of these as “licensing quick sales.”

For instance, would you prefer to sell ten licenses for $10,000 each in a couple of weeks, rather than wait months for one $100,000 deal? Many of my clients choose the former when they're looking for rapid returns. This strategy helps them achieve a quicker ROI, whether they want to recoup an investment or fund a passion project.

The second way to speed up your licensing deals is by tweaking your product slightly. If you have a large program—say, an eight-module course or a twelve-week intensive—consider offering a smaller, initial segment of that program. These smaller programs can be especially attractive to larger companies who are interested in your full offering but need something more manageable to start with. This approach not only gets you in the door faster but also sets the stage for more extensive deals down the line.

For example, let’s say a big company loves your comprehensive training but can’t fit it into their current initiatives. Licensing a smaller, introductory version of your program helps them see immediate value and builds a relationship, making them more likely to adopt your full offering in the future. Sometimes, these smaller deals can be quite lucrative too—even a $55,000 initial deal can pave the way for a six or seven-figure agreement later.

Many of my clients initially think that licensing to large corporations is intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. Licensing smaller portions of your program can ease you into this arena and build trust, setting the stage for bigger and better things. For instance, one of our clients, Jill, was able to license her course idea for $1.2 million before she even built it. So, big deals don’t always take forever—the key is the right strategy and support.

Remember, you’re not changing your entire product; just modifying who you sell it to or what portion you offer. If you’re ready to make quicker sales through licensing, I invite you to apply to work with us. Visit to get started. Let’s make your licensing deals happen faster and easier.

By April Beach


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Xo, April