A Guide To Getting Started On Clubhouse For Entrepreneurs

In case you didn't know Clubhouse is a new social media app offering exciting networking opportunities for entrepreneurs.

It's content is focused solely on live conversations held within rooms and provides business owners a fresh platform within which they can really engage with their potential customers and connect in a real-life manner with peers and mentors.

It feels liberating and more natural than some other social media platforms coming with the added advantage of ease in how you can show up - no formal dress, interesting backdrops or confidence in front of a camera required!

Now, let's dive in and get you up and talking to the world!

1. Download the app and reserve your name.

Right now the app is only available on iOS devices and you can only gain access via invite but, once your name (it's best to try and get your real name) is reserved you will be able to be (eventually) invited in by someone with your phone number in their contacts list who will endorse your profile.

2. Once in, create your bio.

You have a lot more space available than in other social media platforms so use it! Make it clear what you do, why you do it and your reasons for being on Clubhouse. Include some random fun facts about yourself. Use emoji's. Ensure that you set up the link to your Instagram account so that you can communicate with anyone you want to off of the platform (there is, as yet, no messaging opportunity within Clubhouse).

3. Connect.

The first person you should follow is the person who invited you in; that's just good manners! To follow someone hit the 'follow' sign at the top of their page. If you hit the little star symbol next to that you'll receive notifications when that person holds a room/discussion (you'll have the option to choose under what circumstances you receive notifications). Find people you know or admire. Look at who people in your industry or your potential clients are following. Find people who share the same values and hobbies as you.

As you listen more you can also follow and join clubs; spaces dedicated to particular topics. We can expect to see you in The SweetLife Co. Club right?!

4. Spend time perusing the rooms and listening in on the discussions.

Here is a more in depth guide to navigating Clubhouse but for starting out purposes we are just going to look at a room layout right now.

As you're looking at a Clubhouse room speakers will appear in the top section of your screen. In the next level down are those people followed by the speakers. The final, and lowest appearing level, is everyone else who is listening in.

To ask a question or get involved in a conversation press the hand, 'wave', symbol at the bottom right of your screen. A speaker will then invite you up on to the 'stage', accept the invite, you'll see your picture move up next to the speakers at the top off your screen - turn your microphone off immediately by hitting the mic symbol/image that has now appeared at the bottom of your screen. Press it again to be heard when it's your turn to speak.

If you think someone else would be interested in the conversation you can 'ping' them an invite. Press the '+' symbol at the bottom right of your screen and select the persons name. If you receive a 'ping' invite you have the option to select to join the room or dismiss it.

To leave a room simply press on 'leave room quietly'.

To find out more about a speaker or contact someone directly you will need to visit their profile and scroll to the very bottom of their bio and hit their Instagram link. Within instagram you can then connect and use the standard messaging facility.

5. Be you.

Use the platform as a great opportunity to have your voice heard by those whom would usually have that opportunity. 

Show your knowledge and professionalism. Ask questions and learn.

It can be super daunting to step up on to that stage and speak for the first time but i promise you'll soon get used to it and will love how much potential it has for you to interact with your audience and have your brand or business heard.

6. Start your own room

Jump on in there and schedule your own room. You can invite a few colleagues or friends along for support or just simply freestyle it until you're feeling more confident.

You will need to create three different rooms minimum before you can apply to have your own Club so the sooner you start the sooner your voice and business can claim their own space.

And don't let the fear of lack of content hold you back. Repurpose blogs or podcasts, you can even elaborate on popular Instagram posts.


Ok, I feel like that's enough for now, have a play and feel free to drop us any questions you may have ([email protected]).

In the meantime make sure that you join The sweet life co. Community over on Clubhouse here.

In the Clubhouse app, search and follow @aprilbeach.

In the Clubhouse app, search and follow 'SWEETLIFE' under clubs.



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Xo, April